What Do I Wear During & After My Spray Tan?

That spray tan you booked is on the horizon and you’re so pumped to get that glow up!
But a thought keeps wandering in the back of your mind… what do you wear during the application process?!
Rest assured! Glow Babe Studio is here for you and we will break down everything you need to know about what you can wear during and after your spray tan!
First things first. Let’s talk tan lines. Choosing to wear a swim suit, undies, bra or really anything, will leave prominent tan lines.
If you are tanning for a special event or occasion you’ll want to consider any special clothing you’re planning to wear and if your tan lines would show.
What if you don’t want tan lines but you’re not comfortable being totally nude? Well, we have a few work arounds for that!
Your spray tan professional should offer you some type of coverings.
Here at Glow Babe Studio we offer pasties(also known as areola coverings), a disposable thong and thongs for the men too. We also offer a hair net to keep your hair clean from over spray.
You could also wear:
- Underwear and bra
- Underwear without bra
- A swimsuit
You could tuck your suit/bra straps in to help minimize the tan lines.
Please note, that if you spray tan without a bra you will not want to put the bra back on until your first rinse is done! This will avoid smudging the fresh tan.
You will also want to make sure you take all your jewelry off for the spray tan as well.
What can I wear after the spray tan?
Let’s keep it loose:
- Baggy t-shirt
- Loose dress
- Loose pants
- Loose shorts
- Flip flops
What not to wear:
- Any tight fitted clothing
- Sock & sneakers
- A bra if you tanned braless
- Your watch
- Strapy shoes
Let’s keep in mind your spray tan is sitting on top of your skin, so let’s avoid as much friction as possible!
Now that you know what to wear during and after your spray tan, go home and kick those feet up and binge your favorite show while you develop!
Have questions? Leave them in the comment box below and we will get back to you!